This plugin lets you generate a wide variety of data types for testing purposes. It can be useful when you need to fill a database with placeholder data, test an API, or create a sample dataset for a project.
To use this plugin, type its action keyword (fake
by default) followed by the category and type of data you want to generate. For example, to generate a random number, you would use the following syntax:
fake random number
You can also use additional arguments when generating data. Available arguments are usually displayed under the first generated result. For example, to generate a number between 10 and 20, you would use the following syntax:
fake random number min:10 max:20
Most arguments are command-specific, but there are two arguments that are available in all commands:
— generates the resultn
times. For example:> fake random number repeat:5 < 60, 92, 40, 1, 87
— generates the result in the specified language when applicable. For example:> fake name full < Anthony Russel > fake name full lang:pl < Aleksandra Kowalska
Full list of supported categories
- Internet
- Avatar
- ExampleEmail
- Username
- UsernameUnicode
- DomainName
- DomainWord
- DomainSuffix
- IP
- Port
- IPEndpoint
- IPv6
- IPv6Endpoint
- UserAgent
- Mac
- Password
- Color
- Protocol
- Url
- UrlWithPath
- UrlRootedPath
- Address
- ZipCode
- City
- StreetAddress
- CityPrefix
- CitySuffix
- StreetName
- BuildingNumber
- StreetSuffix
- SecondaryAddress
- County
- Country
- FullAddress
- CountryCode
- State
- StateAbbr
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Direction
- CardinalDirection
- OrdinalDirection
- Commerce
- Department
- Price
- Categories
- ProductName
- Color
- Product
- ProductAdjective
- ProductMaterial
- Ean8
- Ean13
- Company
- Suffix
- Name
- CatchPhrase
- BS
- Database
- Column
- Type
- Collation
- Engine
- Date
- Past
- PastOffset
- Soon
- SoonOffset
- Future
- FutureOffset
- Between
- BetweenOffset
- Recent
- RecentOffset
- Timespan
- Month
- Weekday
- Finance
- Account
- AccountName
- Amount
- TransactionType
- Currency
- CreditCardNumber
- CreditCardCvv
- BitcoinAddress
- EthereumAddress
- RoutingNumber
- Hacker
- Abbreviation
- Adjective
- Noun
- Verb
- IngVerb
- Phrase
- Images
- DataUri
- PicsumUrl
- LoremFlickrUrl
- Lorem
- Word
- Sentence
- Paragraph
- Text
- Lines
- Slug
- Name
- Full
- First
- Last
- Prefix
- Suffix
- Job
- Title
- Descriptor
- Area
- Type
- Phone
- Number
- NumberFormat
- Rant
- Review
- System
- FileName
- DirectoryPath
- FilePath
- CommonFileName
- MimeType
- CommonFileType
- CommonFileExt
- FileType
- FileExt
- Semver
- Version
- Exception
- AndroidId
- ApplePushToken
- BlackberryPint
- Vehicle
- Vin
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Type
- Fuel
- Random
- Number
- Even
- Odd
- Double
- Decimal
- Float
- Byte
- SByte
- Int
- UInt
- Long
- ULong
- Short
- UShort
- Char
- String2
- Hash
- Bool
- ReplaceNumbers
- Replace
- ClampString
- Word
- AlphaNumeric
- Hexadecimal